Yoga Sessions at the Armada

Sale price Price €12.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

Tax included.

Living or visiting the area, and fancy a beautiful yoga session? We've got you covered. Join Katie for yoga on Tuesdays at 8.00am & Thursday at 10.45 for a magical hour long session inspired by the flow of Spanish Point bay.

Regardless of the weather, we've got the perfect place to practise. If it's sunny & warm, we'll practise on the lawn overlooking the waves. Or if it's a little cold or wet, we'll practise in one of our suites, always with a view. 

Please note this activity is free for residents / team members of the Armada Hotel. 

You can choose to purchase 1 session, for a 1 off drop in. Or you can choose to purchase 6 sessions for the price of 5. 


For more info - please contact Katie on 0851996619